Churches United strives to be low barrier in all that we do throughout the community. This includes the ability to access the Dorothy Day Food Pantries.
Please enter the parking lot and follow the cones. A staff or volunteer will come to your vehicle and request your I.D. or pantry card, ask if you have dietary restrictions, and if you have more than five people in your household.
If needed, they will give you a form to fill out.
When you reach the end of the line, a staff member or volunteer will ask you where to load the groceries. Additionally, this is when your I.D. or pantry card will be returned.
Groceries will be loaded into your vehicle and your visit is complete. -
If you need assistance with food, simply show up at one of our food pantry locations during the time of distribution. One of our volunteers or staff members will assist you through the process.
We do ask that I.D.s are presented at the time of service, if you don’t have it upon arrival it will not bar you from receiving food. We simply ask that you bring it with the next time.
I.D.s are only required for the head of household. -
There is an annual form to fill out which asks for name, date of birth, address, as well as the names and dates of birth for all people residing within the household.
In our efforts to be low-barrier, income is entirely self-reported. We won’t ask for verification. If you are in need of food assistance, we will ensure that you receive food.
Whether you are coming from North Dakota, Minnesota, or somewhere further away, you will be able to receive food.
For Case Managers:
What we’ll need:
A date, time, and household size for pickup provided in the phone call, text, or email.
Client’s name and DOB upon arrival at the food pantry.